
Author Steve Burrows Visiting Belleville

Author Steve Burrows Visiting Belleville

About Author Steve Burrows Visiting Belleville

Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop in Belleville will be hosting Steve Burrows, the author of the Birder Murder Mystery books series at the store on Saturday, November 2 at 2 PM.

It is free and open to everyone. Steve Burrows will be in the shop to sign his books and share stories of the different birding adventures he has had all over the world. Steve’s books will also be available for purchase at the store.

Wild Birds Unlimited carries a variety of seeds and seed blends that have been specially formulated to attract birds in the Quinte region. Seed blends are mixtures of seeds and nuts that numerous birds will eat. Seed is delivered weekly, so customers get only the freshest bird food possible. In addition, they carry bird feeders, bird houses, and specialty garden and gift items not found elsewhere.

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