Performing Arts

Death of the Rumrunner King

Death of the Rumrunner King

About Death of the Rumrunner King

Death of the Rumrunner King
by B.R. Johnson

DREAMS of Rumrunners, Ghosts and a Singing Siren seep into the waking life of a desperate, hard-drinking journalist. Their mission: Assist him in unraveling the mystery surrounding infamous smuggler, Ben Kerr. THE PLAY OPENS with Victor, the journalist, working on ideas for a podcast. THE PODCAST: Who was Ben Kerr, what was his life like and how did he and Alf Wheat (Kerr’s rumrunning partner) spend their final precious hours on earth? VICTOR'S DREAMS of Ben and Alf play out in live action on stage. And – with some multi-media theatre magic – the cheeky ghosts of Ben Kerr and Alf Wheat cross over from the “other side” to help Victor write his script. THE SIREN makes seven appearances singing songs about Ben Kerr in styles varying from reggae to jazz and blues.

This is a licensed event and is a fundraiser for the Belleville Theatre Guild. Tickets are $10 purchased through Eventbrite and at the door.

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