Opportunities, Heritage, Presentation

Intersectional Feminism

Intersectional Feminism
Event Date
February 6, 20257:00 pm - 8:30 pm

About Intersectional Feminism

All inequality is not created equal. An intersectional approach highlights how people's social identities—such as race, gender, class, sexuality, or immigrant status—overlap, creating compounded experiences of discrimination.

In this session, Selam Deb’s will explore how White Feminism, the dominant narrative in understanding women’s rights, has extracted, exploited, and co-opted Black Feminist movements to center White supremacy as the power structure. We will discuss how intersectional feminism, coined by Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, centers the voices of those facing overlapping forms of oppression, helping us understand inequities and the relationships within systems.

We cannot advocate for the rights of women, trans, non-binary, 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and folks with disabilities without placing racial justice at the forefront. And we cannot advocate for racial justice without actively naming and dismantling White supremacy and its structural outcomes.

The Quinte Cultural Innovation Committee (QCIC), BPW H&PE, Women's W.O.R.K, and the Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board invite you to warmly welcome Selam Debs, creator of the well-loved "Anti-Racism Course," to Belleville!

Pre-register on zoom to secure your spot!

We look forward to seeing you there and continuing the conversation for lasting change.

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