Opportunities, Classes & Workshops

Non-Profit Strategic Leadership and ONCA Compliance EVENT

Non-Profit Strategic Leadership and ONCA Compliance EVENT

About Non-Profit Strategic Leadership and ONCA Compliance EVENT

Non-Profit Strategic Leadership & ONCA Compliance Event
'Prepare your organization for the upcoming provincial changes'
Wednesday, December 6th from 9:00am - 4:45pm
Trent Port Marina 15 Creswell Drive Trenton
If you are a leader, volunteer, board member or committee member of a Non-Profit organization, this is the essential event to attend. Join us for a day of interactive learning designed to equip you with practical knowledge, tools, and strategies to enhance your organization's governance structure, transparency, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness, ensuring a lasting impact.

Benjamin Miller of Non-Profit Law Ontario will present the “Board Governance” session and facilitate the "Bring Your Own By-Laws" Interactive Session. Participants will receive a special BYOB workbook to work through their by-laws and letters patent and identify what they might want or need to change to comply with ONCA. Ontario’s Not-for-profit Corporations Act (ONCA) was proclaimed on October 19, 2021. Non-Profits have until October 18, 2024, to update their bylaws and letters patent to comply with ONCA.

Karen Fischer from OMAFRA will lead the Session on "Strategic Planning 101" followed by an open-ended discussion. Karen will also provide an overview of OMAFRA’s “Train The Trainer” program that will begin in early 2024.

Register Today to prepare your Non-Profit for 2024.

Non-Profit Strategic Leadership and ONCA Compliance Event
Welcome and Introductions @ 9:00 - 9:15 Amber Darling, Trenval & Tamara Porter, Small Business Centre

Session 1 @ 9:15 - 11:15 Board Governance with Benjamin Miller, Non-Profit Law Ontario

Break @ 11:15 - 11:30

Session 2 @ 11:30 - 11:50 Strategic Planning 101 with Karen Fischer, OMAFRA

Session 3 @ 11:50 - 12:00 Train the Trainer Program Overview with Karen Fischer, OMAFRA

Session 4 Part 1 @12:00 - 1:00 Bringing Your Governing Documents In Line With ONCA with Benjamin Miller, Non-Profit Law Ontario

Lunch @ 1:00 - 2:00

Session 4 Part 2 @ 2:00 - 3:00 Bringing Your Governing Documents In Line With ONCA with Benjamin Miller, Non-Profit Law Ontario

Break @ 3:00 - 3:15

Session 4 Part 2 @ 3:15 - 4:30 Bringing Your Governing Documents In Line With ONCA with Benjamin Miller, Non-Profit Law Ontario

Wrap Up @ 4:30 - 4:45 Q&A and Wrap Up Amber Darling, Trenval & Tamara Porter, Small Business Centre

Event Deliverables
Non-Profit Strategic Leadership and ONCA Compliance Event
Session 1: Board Governance presented by Benjamin Miller, Non-Profit Law Ontario

In this workshop we will explore the rights, duties, liabilities, and relationships of members, directors, and officers. We will also explore different ways to structure membership and Boards. The presentation will be followed by an open-ended discussion in which participants will be invited to ask questions and share their concerns.

Key Learning:

• Formal and informal roles in corporate governance.

• Members’ rights, obligations, and membership models.

• Directors’ duties, rights, and board models.

• Officer’s rights, duties, and structures.

• Governance trade-offs.

Session 2: Strategic Planning 101 presented by Karen Fischer, OMAFRA

Strategy has been defined as "that which has to do with determining the basic objectives of an organization and allocating resources to their accomplishment." A strategy determines the direction in which an organization needs to move to fulfil its mission. A strategic plan acts as a road map for carrying out the strategy and achieving long-term results.

Key Learning:

• Introduction to setting and achieving strategic goals

• Accountability and working with stakeholders.

• Aligning with interests of community, board, and management.

• Performance monitoring against strategies and targets.

Session 3: Overview of OMAFRA’s Train the Trainer Program, presented by Karen Fischer, OMAFRA

Learn to facilitate the strategic planning process for your organization. This opportunity will help realize the leadership skills within the organization and build a network of support and collaboration. Strategic planning should be embedded into the regular operation of any organization. It helps organizations make sound decisions to guide their activities over time. Training your volunteers will build the buy-in and commitment to implement your strategic plan.

Starting in February 2024, this training series will help organizations improve their effectiveness, strengthen the leadership skills of their volunteers, and build a network of volunteers and leaders to support each out. Sessions will be approximately 90 minutes in length, delivered 2-3 weeks apart. Dates are yet to be determined, but early inquiries may decide on how the program is delivered (in person or virtually).

Session 4: Bringing Your Governing Documents In Line with ONCA presented by Benjamin Miller, Non-Profit Law Ontario

In this working session, participants will work through their bylaws and letters patent with a special workbook to identify what they might want or need to change to comply with ONCA.

Preparation: Registered participants are advised to review their governing documents ahead of time to be somewhat familiar with the layout and content. Participants must bring a digital or physical copy of their bylaws and (preferably) letters patent. Participants will be emailed a short questionnaire to prepare for the session & a workbook will be provided at the Event.
Meet the Presenters:
Benjamin Miller is a staff lawyer on the Non-Profit Law Ontario project, where he focuses on the legal needs of nonprofits and charities. Over the past 6 years, Benjamin has answered over two thousand nonprofit law questions and developed an online interactive bylaw builder for the ONCA. Benjamin also works at the Ontario Nonprofit Network and has worked at the Canada Revenue Agency in the past. Benjamin holds a JD and MPP from the University of Toronto and an MA in political theory from the University of Ottawa.

Karen Fischer is with Community Economic Development Unit, Economic Development Division, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Trenval Business Development Corporation - Trenval is part of the Community Futures program, a Canadian government initiative, designed to support economic development and diversification in rural communities. Trenval is an independent non-profit organization that is governed by a local board of directors. Trenval provides business counselling, training, resources and financing to businesses and other initiatives that promote economic growth and sustainability to the communities of Belleville, Quinte West, Deseronto, Tyendinaga, Stirling-Rawdon and Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.

The Small Business Centre is OPEN for Business to support the small business entrepreneur every step of the way: from exploring and startup to expansion and succession. Our core services are without charge with funding provided by the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development Job Creation and Trade. Small Business Centre services are available to any business type and from any industry located in Belleville, Quinte West, Hastings County, Prince Edward County, and Lennox & Addington County.

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