Exhibitions, Visual Arts

“The Winterline–A False Horizon”

“The Winterline–A False Horizon”

About “The Winterline–A False Horizon”

Bill Penner is a painter and creative living in Kingston, Ontario. His curiosity, experimentation and theatricality sustained a lifetime spent working in the live performing arts.
This body of work, “The Winterline–A False Horizon” is full of artist Bill Penner’s drawings and paintings inspired by his childhood in India. Deep reds, yellow, purple, and inky blue form the “Winterline”, a false horizon in the winter months, visible at dusk from the mountains of South India where Penner grew up. These images of imaginary landscapes, and the grounded reality of semi-feral street dogs living out their destiny, are influenced by the vivid colours and ever-shifting horizons that are part of his India.
The show will run from November 8–December 1. Please join us for the opening reception of “The Winterline-A False Horizon” on November 9 from 1–4 pm. All are welcome!

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