Exhibitions, Other, Visual Arts

World of Art - Auction

World of Art - Auction

About World of Art - Auction

World of Art - Auction
Artist: R.P. Gray

World of Art is perhaps the largest auction and sale of works by a single artist in Ontario. There are over 75 paintings to be auctioned off and another 75-100 works available at various tables. The subject material ranges from a few wildlife (large pieces), a couple of life studies, and Canadian Scenes from 40"x60" and down.

But it may be the linears and abstracts that garner attention with their vibrant colours.

"The diversity is outstanding but the artistic signature prevails through all," D. Cotterill, Ottawa.

Sizes Range from 5" x 7" to 54" x 68"/48" x 72" / 30" x 40"
(Medium: oil on canvas/masonite)

July 14 - 16, 2023
Friday TBD
Saturday 11:00 - 4:30
Sunday: 12:00 - 4:00 pm